Just a faster duplicate files finder with 100% accurate results you will love!
Website: https://duplicatefilefinder4pc.com/duplicate-file-finder-plus.htm
Download: https://duplicatefilefinder4pc.com/f/duplicate-file-finder-plus.zip
License Key: D2FP-FORGOTD20210506-NWDN
Duplicate File Finder Plus – Quickly finds the duplicate files on your drives relied on file contents, you can remove the unwanted files as you expect to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary confusion.
It works very fast because of our high-speed file comparison algorithm is built-in. And the result (duplicate files) is 100% accurate due to it compares files relied on file contents, not file name, last modified date or file size.
Also, it is very easy to use, only need to select the resources (drive(s), folder(s), files), size(s), type(s), and then click the “Find now” button to get your want. Even, you can simply click this button directly by using the suggested search conditions.
Once the finding is done, you will see the result (duplicate files list) instantly. It checks the unwanted files automatically with the smart selection feature, sorts the result by size in descending, and marks the adjacent duplicate file groups by different colors, in order to let you operate the duplicate files conveniently. You can also do some common actions for the checked duplicate files / highlighted file in the result listing, such as Save, Load, Move to Recycle Bin / Other Place, Delete, Open/Run, Open File Location, Find, Uncheck All, Invert Checks, Show Properties and Copy Full Path.
Sure, you can use some useful options (e.g. smart selection, comparing algorithm for large files, whether scan the system / hidden files or not, and exclude folders, etc.) to affect the final result.
The description is just inaccurate marketing speak, the faster element is provided by a custom selective partial sampling the files to be compared rather than a full bit-wise comparison. The partial sampling is not and cannot be 100% accurate and if you look at the original giveaway page the vendor admits you can change the comparison method to full bit-wise comparison to get 100% accurate results but if you do it will be slow and if you do it in reaction to false duplicate positives then it will be slower than comparable programs that do other algorithms for full comparison by default. This vendor has no ongoing costs for end users using their product but only offers expiring licenses and no non-expiring licenses. In the original giveaway the comments were heavily censored in favor of the vendor. While there may have been a time when storage space was expensive and limited that has long ceased to be the case and having multiple copies of files on a system provides the first level of backups, and in many cases where 3rd party processing modules like tesseract OCR engine or pirated GPLv3 FFMPEG based converter programs and folderico programs may have many duplicated files, both program and data files, often program files in data locations because the developers are untrained in how to program correctly under Windows so they make it up as they go…. and use of this type of program can break these programs by deleting duplicate OCR training data or youtube_dl executables or FFMPEG excutables in data locations like Documents sub-folders, recommend you remove customised folder icon .ico files
What UK_TK said