Giveaway: Reezaa Excel Column Extractor Pro 1.1 for FREE

Download: ExcelColumnExtractorPro-1.1.zipmirror
License Key: CVXS-88Q8-JBN1-CM76

In your daily work, you may often encounter dozens of Excel files, each containing the same type of data such as name, email, address, etc., but they are in different columns in different files. When you are going to do data aggregation or merging, is there a way to extract the same type of column data from multiple spreadsheets and then merge them into one Excel worksheet?

Here comes Excel Column Extractor, a Windows Excel spreadsheet data extraction and merging tool that can extract all the data of one or several columns from multiple excel files at one time, and then merge them into one Excel worksheet. You can set the column headers to be extracted and the row number where the column headers are located (usually the first row) according to the content of extraction you need.

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Tags: excel, reezaa