Giveaway: Greatis A1RunGuard Premium for FREE

License Key: A1RS-SL21-M23L-NK2A

A1RunGuard can prevent some Ransomware attacks.

Ransomware often uses legitimate programs that may be found across all Windows versions for various destructive operations. This technique allows ransomware to avoid detection by the antivirus software.

A1RunGuard intercepts the launch of these programs, but instead of completely blocking them, A1RunGuard investigates the command lines of the program and fires the alarm only if a dangerous combination occurs.

End of line.

1 thought on “Giveaway: Greatis A1RunGuard Premium for FREE

  1. staff does not check links posted by users in the comment section, so take care and double check everything.
  2. Only a tiny subset of executable names are protect-able using the method employed this is more snake oil than a real anti-ransomware product.

    Look at the sub-keys of the key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

    the key is more use to attach a malicious process as a debugger …. but if malware has rights to change that keys contents the invader already owns the session and system.

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