Giveaway: AbylonSoft UAC-GRABBER 2023 for FREE

Download: uacgrabber2023_bdj.exe
Registry key: 00EN-F8853821-76041F9AF1-K22W9

To increase security against malware, Microsoft has introduced User Account Control in Windows Vista and later. The user (including the administrator) must confirm a security dialog when starting the program. This is intended to prevent the unwanted execution of programs with administrative rights and thus guarantee system integrity. However, the confirmation prompt is also displayed if you deliberately call a known program via a desktop icon or the start menu. The software abylon UAC-GRABBER allows you to start the program without further inquiry if the Windows security concept is still activated. The programs can be called by means of special desktop icons or starting from Windows 8 and 10 over the tray icon with alternative start menu. For quick access, frequently used programs can be placed in the Favorites folder. The internal autostart folder allows programs to be started automatically with admin rights when the system is booted or when logging in.

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