2 thoughts on “Free Sagelight 4

  1. net-load.com staff does not check links posted by users in the comment section, so take care and double check everything.
  2. To TK:
    Windows Vista? That OS, and the original hardware it runs on, is
    for practical purposes ancient stone age stuff man!

  3. confusing, sageligight website says its free and fully functional but solicits donations to support further development… so why is this a giveaway? It’s not a low-cost alternative to other high-end expensive editors, it’s a no-cost alternative if the website is telling the truth! On their website is the spec:
    ” Compatibility
    Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 32/64-bit (any version), Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 2k.”
    But the sos installer requires NT version 6.0 or above to be accepted as a valid win32 executable so will NOT be installable under XP or 2k if you have either of those versions of windows and want to install this you’ll have to go to the website and download the supposedly always free edition and try that. Correction the installer downloaded from the vendors website has the same fault as the sos installer requires Vista or above to even execute. Fail!
    In addition the so called sos installer is bit for bit the same file as downloadable from the vendors website! According to SHA 256 signature and files information.I shought shareware on sale only dealt with shareware software not always free software!
    Installed program version 4.4h is also linked to require NT 6.0 or Vista or above to be recognized as a valid win32 executable appears to understand adobe .8bf filters, no idea if it accepts additional filters or just uses the ones it comes pre-installed with.
    Hmm installing this in a terminal services session (Windows Remote Desktop) under Vista it crashes whenever I try to load an image, the image renders and then a standard windows crash close/debug window pops up and the program closes regardless of option chosen. FAIL!

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