Free GiMeSpace RAM Temp Folder 1.2.3

Download: GiMeSpaceRAMTempFolder123-gotd.zipmirror
License Key: 411384826868980324

GiMeSpace RAM Temp Folder is the Lite edition of this program. It is optimized for systems with very little memory in such a way that they can still enjoy the benefits of fast file access in the Temporary folder while avoiding needless disc access. It will only transform your temporay folder into a RAM Folder and will never use more than 128mb which is enough for typical daily windows usage.

2 thoughts on “Free GiMeSpace RAM Temp Folder 1.2.3

  1. staff does not check links posted by users in the comment section, so take care and double check everything.
  2. absolutely pointless it’s a lifetime license but is so pointless as to be not worth it’s OWN page on the vendors website! The page ram-folder.html is the full product with this ram temp folder product download link tagged on because it’s operation is so basic and practically useless it’s not worth the vendors web developers wages to produce a page just for it. It’s been offered many times on GAOTD site but never has the vendor offered a giveaway of the main product Ram Folder which *could* be of more use on a windows system by placing the event logs folder heirachy in a RAM folder so to speak.

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