Category: Mac

Mac Apps

Giveaway: MacX Easter campaign 2021

Giveaway: link

Mac Apps

Giveaway: WinX Easter campaign 2021

Giveaway: link

Mac Apps

Giveaway: WinX HD Video Converter v6.5.2 for Mac FREE

Feature-rich Mac Video Converter to Convert AVI, M2TS, MKV to iPad iPhone like a Shot.

Mac Games, Windows Games

Giveaway: BigFishGames Any Game for FREE

Giveaway: link

Mac Apps, Windows Apps

Giveaway: Leawo TunesCopy for WIN and MAC Free

Leawo TunesCopy is a professional iTunes DRM removal program to remove DRM from iTunes video,…

Mac Apps, Windows Apps

Giveaway: HitFilm Express + Starter Pack (Win&Mac) for FREE

HitFilm Express is a top-of-the-line product for creating and editing your own movies and videos.

Mac Apps

Giveaway: DMclone 1.0 (MacOS) for FREE

DMclone for Mac is a powerful, safe and easy-to-use disk cloning software for Mac OS….