Category: Giveaways

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Free Unreal Engine Free Assets May 2024

Ready for this month’s drop of free content? In partnership with the talented creators over at the Unreal Engine Marketplace, we make a select amount of content free to the UE community each month.

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Free Firestone Free Offer from Epicgames

Get 200 Gems, 10 Common chests, 5 Uncommon chests, 10 Wooden chests, 5 Iron Chests, 360 Strange Dust, 50 Scrolls, 2 exclusive Avatars, 35 Game Tokens, 5 Prestige Token and 1 exclusive Skin.

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Free Circus Electrique from Epicgames

Circus Electrique is part story-driven RPG, part tactics, part circus management, and completely enthralling.

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Free Orcs Must Die! 3 from Epicgames

Slice, burn, toss, zap, grind and gib massive hordes of repugnant orcs in this long-awaited successor to the award-winning Orcs Must Die! series.

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Free Cat Quest II from Epicgames

Open-world action-RPG in a fantasy realm of cats and dogs. CAT QUEST II lets you play solo or with a friend, as both a cat and dog!

Giveaway eBook

Machine Learning Infrastructure and Best Practices for Software Engineers ($35.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Although creating a machine learning pipeline or developing a working prototype of a software system from that pipeline is easy and straightforward nowadays, the journey toward a professional software system is still extensive.

Giveaway eBook

Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies, 4th Edition ($24.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

It’s time for some truly “Excel-lent” spreadsheet reporting

Giveaway eBook

Principles of Data Science – Third Edition ($39.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Principles of Data Science bridges mathematics, programming, and business analysis, empowering you to confidently pose and address complex data questions and construct effective machine learning pipelines.

Giveaway eBook

Coding with AI For Dummies ($18.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Boost your coding output and accuracy with artificial intelligence tools

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Free LISA: The Definitive Edition from Epicgames

Explore Olathe and unmask its twisted secrets with LISA: The Definitive Edition, including the original narrative-driven RPG LISA: The Painful and its sequel LISA: The Joyful.

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Free INDUSTRIA from Epicgames

INDUSTRIA is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War.

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Free Town of Salem 2 from Epicgames

Step into the Town of Salem, a realm of Mystery and Deceit awaits! Join us in this thrilling online strategy game.

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Free The Big Con from Epicgames

Hustle and grift your way across America in the ‘90s as a teenage con artist on a crime-filled road trip adventure!

Giveaway eBook

Applied Machine Learning and AI for Engineers ($67.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

While many introductory guides to AI are calculus books in disguise, this one mostly eschews the math.

Giveaway eBook

Modern DevOps Practices – Second Edition ($39.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

DevOps and the cloud have changed how we look at software development and operations like never before, leading to the rapid growth of various DevOps tools, techniques, and practices.

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Windows Server 2022 & PowerShell All-in-One For Dummies ($30.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

All the essentials for administering Windows Server 2022 in one book

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Free Ghostrunner from Epicgames

Ghostrunner offers a unique single-player experience: fast-paced, violent combat, and an original setting that blends science fiction with post-apocalyptic themes.

Giveaway eBook

Java All-in-One For Dummies, 7th Edition ($27.00 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

A beginning coder’s resource for learning the most popular coding language