Category: Giveaway eBook

Giveaway eBook

eBook: Mastering Windows Security and Hardening – Second Edition for FREE

Are you looking for the most current and effective ways to protect Windows-based systems from being compromised by intruders?

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eBook: Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Handbook for FREE

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world.

Giveaway eBook

eBook: The Python Workshop – Second Edition for FREE

Python is among the most popular programming languages in the world.

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eBook: Java For Dummies, 8th Edition for FREE

Learn to write practical, reusable code with the straight forward tutorials and tips in the newest edition of this For Dummies bestseller

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eBook: Hands-On Software Architecture with Java for FREE

Well-written software architecture is the core of an efficient and scalable enterprise application.

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eBook: Digital Etiquette For Dummies for FREE

Mind your online P’s and Q’s with this expert digital manners guide

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eBook: Linux Bible, 10th Edition for FREE

The industry favorite Linux guide

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eBook: Modern API Development with Spring and Spring Boot for FREE

The philosophy of API development has evolved over the years to serve the modern needs of enterprise architecture.

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eBook: Microsoft Project For Dummies for FREE

Blow past the jargon and get hands-on, practical guidance on managing any project with Microsoft Project

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eBook: Microsoft 365 For Dummies for FREE

Amp up your collaboration skills and rock the modern workplace by harnessing the power of Microsoft 365 with this one-stop guide to the world’s leading productivity platform

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eBook: Linux Administration Best Practices for FREE

Linux is a well-known, open source Unix-family operating system that is the most widely used OS today.

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eBook: Windows 11 For Dummies for FREE

Need Windows help? Find the latest tips and tricks in this perennial favorite on Windows

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Free eBook: Exploring Microsoft Excel’s Hidden Treasures FREE for a Limited Time

David Ringstrom coined the phrase “Either you work Excel, or it works you!” after observing how many users carry out tasks inefficiently.

Giveaway eBook

Free eBook: Mastering Cyber Intelligence ($19.99 Value) FREE for a Limited Time

Cyber Threat Intelligence converts threat information into evidence-based intelligence that uncovers adversaries’ intents, motives, and capabilities for effective defense against all kinds of threats.

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eBook: Networking All-in-One For Dummies, 8th Edition for FREE

Your ultimate one-stop networking reference

Giveaway eBook

Free eBook: Mastering Python – Second Edition ($35.99 Value) Free for a Limited Time

If you are a Python programmer wanting to improve your code quality and readability, this Python book will make you confident in writing high-quality scripts and taking on bigger challenges

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Giveaway: eBook Content Marketing Strategies For Dummies ($18.00 Value) for FREE

Your comprehensive entry-level guide to machine learning

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eBook: Packt Python for Geeks for FREE

Python is a multipurpose language that can be used for multiple use cases. Python for Geeks will teach you how to advance in your career with the help of expert tips and tricks.