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The Built-in Render Pipeline is Unity’s default render pipeline. It is a general-purpose render pipeline that has limited options for customization. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that is quick and easy to customize, and lets you create optimized graphics across a wide range of platforms. The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is a Scriptable Render Pipeline that lets you create cutting-edge, high-fidelity graphics on high-end platforms.
Unity VersionBuilt-inURPHDRP

The Moonglow Village 3D Asset Pack has been released!

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This is a high-quality and low-polygon 3D asset package provided by UModeler, Inc. All of the assets in the pack have been modeled with UModeler in Unity so they can be tweaked with UModeler very quickly without leaving Unity.

If you don't have UModeler yet, don't worry. All assets are readily available for your contents as if you use general 3D meshes.

Key Features

  • 50 types of Low-poly 3D Models.
  • Full Demo Scene
  • All assets are provided with .FBX and .Prefab files.
  • Separate Unity packages for UModeler users.
  • With UModeler asset you can tweak the meshes immediately in Unity.


  • Works in Unity 2019.4.12 and higher.
  • Supports Built-In RP and URP.

Outline of .unitypackage files

  • MoonglowVillage-BuiltInRP : BuiltInRP, and Prefabs with no UModeler.
  • MoonglowVillage-BuiltInRP-UModeler : BuiltInRP, and Prefabs with UModeler
  • MoonglowVillage-URP : URP, and Prefabs with no UModeler
  • MoonglowVillage-URP-UModeler : URP, and Prefabs with UModeler
  • MoonglowVillage-BuiltInRP is a default package and other three .unitypackage files are in UnityPackages folder.

Make sure that UModeler asset is installed when you install a .unitypackage file which includes prefabs with UModeler.

This asset doesn't include UModeler asset. If you want to edit meshes in this package within Unity, you should purchase UModeler here.

Check out our other Assets

UModeler: 3D Modeling and Prototyping in Unity

UModeler Lite: Try UModeler for free

All of 3D Asset Packages

Technical details

This package includes 50 unique assets. The triangle count of each asset is listed below.

  1. Cushion_A : 160
  2. Cushion_B : 188
  3. Door_Border_Blue : 406
  4. Door_Border_In_A : 406
  5. Door_Border_In_B : 1162
  6. Door_Border_In_B_Blue : 1162
  7. Door_Border_In_B_Green : 1162
  8. Door_Border_In_C : 898
  9. Door_Border_White : 406
  10. Drawer_A : 486
  11. Drawer_B : 212
  12. House_1 : 7750
  13. House_2 : 8760
  14. House_3 : 7128
  15. House_4 : 7128
  16. Interior_Structure : 2176
  17. Plant_A : 3846
  18. Plant_B : 1286
  19. Plant_B_Small : 1286
  20. Plant_C : 1074
  21. Plant_D : 874
  22. Plant_E : 930
  23. Plant_E_Big : 1058
  24. Plant_F : 930
  25. Plant_G : 978
  26. Plant_H : 874
  27. Shelf_A : 376
  28. Shelf_B : 44
  29. Shelf_Window : 44
  30. Sofa_A : 568
  31. Sofa_B : 802
  32. Stool : 276
  33. Table : 96
  34. Table_Wood : 168
  35. Table_Wood_Snow : 264
  36. Toilet_Structure : 1652
  37. ToiletSeat : 562
  38. Tree_A_1 : 152
  39. Tree_A_2 : 132
  40. Tree_A_3 : 152
  41. Tree_A_4 : 170
  42. Tree_B_1 : 416
  43. Tree_B_2 : 396
  44. Tree_B_3 : 680
  45. Tree_B_4 : 962
  46. Window : 122
  47. Window_Big_Blue : 190
  48. Window_Blue : 122
  49. Window_Hexagon : 524
  50. Window_Hole : 192

The Moonglow Village

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Refund policy
This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of the EULA for details.
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