Giveaway: CodeFluent Entities Pro Edition for Free

CodeFluent Entities is an advanced model-first code generator optimized for the Microsoft platform, which integrates itself into Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013 and allows developers to generate components of all your application layers, such as database scripts (e.g. T-SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL, Pg/SQL), code (e.g. C#, VB), web services (e.g. WCF, JSON/REST) and UIs (e.g. Windows 8, ASP.NET, MVC, SharePoint, WPF). The code generation process is model-first and continuous: from your declarative model, a meta-model will be inferred which code generators will then translate into code. Over 20 code generators (a.k.a. “producers”) are provided “out of the box” and can be combined to create your own application following your desired architecture, using your desired technologies.

Since your application development is driven from this model, your business logic is decoupled from the technology and allows you to absorb changes faster and smoother: apply changes in your model to update all your layers consistently or add/switch technology by changing your used code generators. CodeFluent Entities is designed for the .NET platform and empowers users to streamline developments on major Microsoft platforms and technologies such as SQL Server, C#, VB.NET, WCF, ASP.NET, WPF, Windows 8, SharePoint, SQL Azure, third-party databases and more.

CodeFluent Entities Professional Edition Free 1 Year License

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