Terms and Conditions for Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro (SharewareOnSale-2024)
Special Edition is fully-functional and contains all features of FlashBoot Pro.
Special Edition is not bound to computer ID, same as Standard Edition.
You can install it to the multiple computers if necessary.
USB devices formatted by Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro are not time limited,
same as USB devices formatted by Standard Edition.
Pro features of the Special Edition are tied to a single USB storage device,
the one with which you are registering your copy of the software via this form.
Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro is eternal, it does not expire,
same Standard Edition.
Special Edition of FlashBoot Pro is downloaded and installed from the SharewareOnSale.com website
and requires a registration code, which is provided
free of charge (sent by e-mail) after filling the form below.
This offer is valid only for FlashBoot version 3.3q.
This is a time limited offer. New registration codes are not issued after 23.05.2024 08:00:00 GMT.
If you agree to these terms and conditions, please fill the form below: